Sunday, April 19, 2020

Why is the Book of Mormon so Important?

Why is it so important for the whole world to know that the Book of Mormon is true?  I believe that most people throughout the world are doing their best to live good lives.  Millions gain much understanding and joy from reading the Bible, but their different churches teach different things.  And there are other voices today that are saying that the Bible is myth, it’s not true.

Now, along with the Old Testament and the New Testament, the Book of Mormon is another Testament of Jesus Christ.  If the Book of Mormon is true, then the Bible is true, because it is a witness of the truthfulness of the Bible.  It validates and clarifies the Bible teachings that God is our Heavenly Father and that Jesus Christ is His son.  It validates the Bible teachings that Jesus Christ atoned for our sins and restores the teachings that he also felt our pains, afflictions and temptations so that he would be able to succor us in our trials.  It validates the Bible teachings that God hears and answers our prayers and that the Holy Ghost will bring all things to our remembrance and will teach us all things.  It restores truths that were lost such as God is the same yesterday, today and forever.  He is not finished with His work and He continues to speak to His people.

How can we know the Book of Mormon is true?  The Book of Mormon itself says to pray to God to know for yourself if it is true.  Millions of members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have done this and have gained a testimony for themselves that the book is true.  However, because I have loved ones who have not felt that witness or who have forgotten it or don’t trust the witness they once had, I have felt the need to do some deeper investigation.  Over the past year I have read many books and articles by researchers, scholars, archaeologists and experts who have looked at the Book of Mormon from every angle and have come away with the firm belief that it is what it claims to be.  It is an ancient book that could not have been written by Joseph Smith or any of those he associated with. (See below for some references if interested.) So where did it come from?

If the Bible is true, then it isn’t that far fetched to believe that an angel could have given the plates to Joseph Smith just as Joseph said and that he translated them by the gift and power of God.  And if Joseph Smith really did see God the Father and Jesus Christ in vision then the Church that Jesus Christ established when he lived upon the earth has been restored today.  That is why the Church has sent so many missionaries throughout the world, to spread the good news so that everyone can know that God is our Heavenly Father who loves us and wants to bless us.

I love the Book of Mormon.  Its doctrines and principles are “delicious” to me.  Its wisdom enriches and guides my life.  But most important to me is that I have prayed to know if it is true and received a spiritual witness that it is true.   Because of the experiences I have had with the Book of Mormon, I logically cannot believe that it is a fake.  It’s true.  It’s all true.

References to some of the books I have read that validate the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon:
John Sorenson’s books Mormon’s Codex and An Ancient American Setting for the Book of Mormon offer some pretty compelling evidence from archaeology and comparing the descriptions in the BoM with the lands of Central America where there are actual ruins that correspond with the cities mentioned in the BoM.  We don’t know 100% that that’s where it was, but the evidence from ancient history and archaeology fits well there.
Reexploring the Book of Mormon by James W. Welch is a compilation of various scholars who address over 80 topics concerning the Book of Mormon including comparing ancient writings with the Book of Mormon. It convincingly dispels any doubts caused by the critics.  
Leap of Faith by Bob Bennett who uses modern forgery techniques to determine if the Book of Mormon could have been forged rather than being the ancient book it claims to be.  He shows how the BoM could not have been written by Joseph Smith.   And the likelihood of it being written by any of his associates is not likely either.
Investigating the Book of Mormon Witnesses by Richard Lloyd Anderson who researched the lives of the witnesses of the Book of Mormon.  He discovered that none of them ever denied their witness.