Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Choosing to believe

I wrote awhile back that I choose to believe the church is true.  Recently someone asked me how it’s possible to make a choice to believe something.  When the question was asked, my thought was that if I really don’t believe something is true, then I couldn’t just choose to believe it because I would always feel within myself that it’s a lie.  But as I have pondered on this question I realized that there are choices we make as we’re coming to our understanding as to what to believe.  I choose who/what to believe among the differing opinions.
I choose to believe the words of the First Presidency and 12 apostles.  These are 15 men who come from different backgrounds and professions and yet are able to be united when it comes to church doctrine and policy.  To me they are very wise and trustworthy.  I have been uplifted by their words every conference.  I trust their experience and counsel better than the words of those who have left the church and for whatever reason feel the need to share their type of logic.  I could understand their need to broadcast their doubts if what we are taught to believe in the church was evil.  But we are taught to be kind.  To love one another.  To serve one another.  To have hope.  Everything the church teaches, if followed would make the world a better place to be.  Those who have left the church don’t seem to be promoting anything better to replace it with.  They just seem intent on trying to tear it down and cause others to doubt.
I choose to believe the writings of scientists who believe in God rather than scientists who are atheists.  It seems no matter what the subject, there will be differing views and a person has to choose which of all the differing views he will believe.  I believe those that feel right, that have the potential to make my life better.  
I choose to believe the Book of Mormon is true, because of the way I feel when I read it.  I feel peace and I find insights that enrich my life and I can’t logically believe that Joseph Smith with the schooling he had, had the ability to come up with it himself.  I don’t believe it’s a myth.  I choose to believe that Joseph Smith really did see God and Jesus Christ and was led to establish the church of Jesus Christ on the earth as it was established during the time of Jesus Christ.  I choose to believe all the many testimonies of those who actually knew Joseph Smith in life and who claim that he was honest and that he had integrity rather than those who didn’t actually know him personally.
I choose to believe those things that leave me feeling light rather than those things that leave me feeling dark.  I choose to believe that I have a Heavenly Father who loves me and has an interest in my life.  I have felt His spirit.  I choose to believe that spirit rather than the dark feeling that comes from those who choose not to believe.   So yes, I do choose to believe that the Church is true.