At first, I thought, well, my faith isn't strong enough to move mountains. I don't see many miracles in my life so what power does my faith really give me? It really caused me to reflect on what exactly is the power of faith? These are some of the answers that have come as I have reflected and pondered on the subject.
My faith in God gives me the power to feel the Spirit of the Lord every day. He's there and I know it, not just because I've been told He's there, but because I feel Him. Being able to feel His presence in my life has become stronger and stronger as my faith has grown.
My faith in God gives me the power to receive and recognize answers to my prayers. With that power, I am never truly on my own, struggling for answers.
My faith in God gives me the power to act in confidence, even when it's something that is out of my comfort zone. The power of the Spirit gives me the reassurance that I can do it and that He will help me accomplish whatever it is He wants me to do.
My faith in God gives me the power to feel peace, even when bad things happen. With an Eternal perspective, I can ask the Lord what I am to learn from the situation. I know that the Savior descended below all things and that He knows what is happening and has felt the pain and anguish and can give the comfort and reassurance needed if we will only have faith in Him.
I was talking about this with my husband one day and he suggested that it was kind of like talking on a cellphone. When I have the cellphone to my ear, I can hear the person I'm talking to (in this case, Heavenly Father) and He hears me and answers my questions and listens to my concerns and gives me advice. There is two way communication. But when I become unsure that He is there, or when I forget He's there, it's like I am moving the cellphone away from my ear so it's harder to hear Him. And if I put the cellphone down and walk away it's like I have rejected Him. But He's still there, waiting for me to continue the conversation. He hasn't left me, I have left Him.
I know Heavenly Father is still there, loving us and waiting for us to pick up the cellphone (in prayer) and talk with Him about our concerns and listen to the counsel he has to give us. To me this is the amazing power of faith in God. It gives me the power with His help, to move the metaphorical mountains in my life and expect miracles to happen.