Thursday, June 25, 2020

More Things I Know

During one of the talks in Sacrament Meeting a few months ago, before the Pandemic, I especially loved the following quote the speaker shared by Harry Emerson Fosdick who wrote the following, “Some Christians carry their religion on their backs. It is a packet of beliefs and practices which they must bear. At times it grows heavy and they would willingly lay it down, but that would mean a break with old traditions, so they shoulder it again. But real Christians do not carry their religion, their religion carries them. It is not weight; it is wings. It lifts them up, it sees them over hard places, it makes the universe seem friendly, life purposeful, hope real, sacrifice worthwhile. It sets them free from fear, futility, discouragement, and sin—the great enslavers of men’s souls. You can know a real Christian, when you see him, by his buoyancy.” This rang true for me. The only thing I would add is that a real Christian is Christlike. They radiate love and kindness to others.

A year and a half ago I wrote a blog post called Things I Know. here In this blogpost I would like to expand and add to the things I said then.

I know that truth is truth, even if few people believe it.

I know that mankind is fallible. I know that there are no perfect people who have ever lived on the earth except for Jesus Christ (in whom I strongly believe). Most people, including the prophets, learn from making mistakes. It's a part of this life. I know that sometimes we put our trust in those whom we shouldn't and sometimes we believe things that aren't true. I think when we become aware of those mistakes, it's good to admit it rather than hide or excuse them.

I know that our subjective experiences are not always the same as another's. We shouldn't assume, as I have in the past, that others will have the same experience we do if they do the same things we do. We need to be more understanding and sympathetic of the needs and feelings of others and not negate their subjective experiences. Those experiences are valid to them.

I know that millions of people all over the world (inside and outside of the Church) have felt what they believe is the spirit of God in their lives giving them comfort and guidance. And I believe that telling any of them that the spiritual feelings they have had are somehow not valid, isn't being helpful, but is being demeaning and disrespectful, unless what they believe is spiritual guidance is clearly destructive and harmful.

I know that learning all we can about what we have been taught to believe is a wise thing to do to determine for ourselves if it is really true.  But we need to be aware that our study can destroy or strengthen that belief, according to the integrity and diligence of those whose writings we study. I believe we should study a wide variety of sources, not all being supportive to what we want to be true, but realizing that sometimes critics have a tendency to look for the negative and assume the worst in every situation, rather than looking at all of the evidence.

I know that most people are doing the best they know how with the knowledge and understanding that they currently have. Most people listen to their conscience. Those who don't are the ones who make life miserable for others and themselves.

I know that there is much good inside and outside of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. And the Church teaches its members to embrace all truth wherever it is found.

I know that the prophets and the Book of Mormon have taught us that we don't need to obey them or the scriptures blindly, but that we can and should gain our own testimony of the truthfulness of what they say or of anything else. We should never obey anyone "blindly."

I know from a report I read recently about the mental health of BYU students related to their belief in grace vs. legalism, that many church members, including some of my loved ones, don't understand the blessing of the grace of God. grace-legalism If they did, and believed it, they would know that we have no need to hate ourselves or belittle ourselves or feel like we are unworthy when we make a mistake or when we don't believe the same as someone else. We are enough if we live with integrity according to what we believe to be true and continue to improve ourselves the best we can. 

I know that the Book of Mormon testifies of the reality of Jesus Christ. Along with the Bible, it teaches us about His atonement for our sins and adds that he also experienced our sicknesses, pains, temptations and anguish so that He would be able to succor us in our trials when no one else can.

I know that the Church teaches its members to be like Jesus Christ, to follow His example, to love one another and serve one another.   

I know that the prophets and apostles in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints teach principles of the gospel that if believed and followed would bless and have blessed millions of lives with joy and peace.

I know that if we can understand and believe the plan of happiness as taught by the Church and the Book of Mormon, and that this life is just a moment in eternity, a learning ground, then it can make our experience here on the earth become deeply meaningful and even joyful.

I know that living my life as a Christian, specifically as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints "lifts me up, sees me over hard places and makes the universe seem friendly, life purposeful, hope real, and sacrifice worthwhile. It sets me free from fear, futility, discouragement, and sin." It brings me joy, hope and peace.