Thursday, May 30, 2019

My Mission Statement

One day many years ago when I had many children at home, I was trying to come up with a mission statement for my life.  I remember spending hours on it, thinking about all the different roles I had such as wife, mother, child of god, homemaker, student, church member, friend.  I remember writing down the person I wanted to be in each role and setting goals that would help me to become that person.  It seems I worked on this for hours on the computer.  Then when I had almost finished, our computer crashed and I lost everything I had worked on.  In those days documents weren’t automatically saved, so I couldn’t get it back.  After spending all that time and putting my heart into it, I felt devastated to lose it all and have to start over.

I remember praying about what to do because I had really wanted to get it right, to be the person my Heavenly Father wanted me to be.  But as I sincerely prayed, the answer that came to my mind was something very simple.  My mission is to love God with all my heart, with all my soul and with all my mind.  And to love my neighbor (everyone) as myself.  I wrote this on a card and put it where I could see it every day.  Unfortunately I didn’t always remember to look at it, and I’m still working on it, but I feel like it was a reminder that as we love God and love everyone around us, we will automatically do what He wants us to do and will be the person He wants us to be.  He is love.  That means love is a major part of who He is.  He loves all of us and I believe one of the major purposes of our being here in this earthly experience is to learn to love as He does.  And as we develop the ability to love Him completely and love others as He does, I believe everything else will fall into place.