Another loved one told me a few days ago that they don't believe the church is true and don't believe in God anymore. This always makes me feel sad and reevaluate my own faith. Yesterday I had much time to meditate and I went through all the things I could think of that I know. I don't think anyone can argue about these things. They are listed in no particular order.
I know that I feel good when I'm reading the scriptures. The teachings in the scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon cause me to think and ponder. I often feel light and peace and frequently I receive guidance in what to do when I have a concern.
I know that when I listen to the prophets and apostles when they speak in General Conference, I feel a renewed desire to do good, to be a better person.
I know that when I live according to the gospel of Jesus Christ as found in the scriptures, I am a better person. When I ask myself what would Jesus do, and then do it, I feel happy and make better choices in what I do.
I know that if everyone were to try to live according to the gospel of Jesus Christ, and the 10 Commandments, this world would be a better place, there wouldn't be wars and bloodshed, robberies, murders, jealousy. There wouldn't be adultery and fornication that destroy families and happiness. We would be kinder, more loving, and serve one another.
I know that the covenants we make in the temple, help me to be a better person. The teachings and ordinances give my life purpose and they give me hope. I feel peace in the temple and find answers to my concerns.
I know that the callings I have received in the church through the years have given me experience in teaching and serving others and in leadership. They have taught me patience. They have also caused me to go to the Lord in prayer for guidance and inspiration.
I know that I was a better mother because of the teachings of the church. And many times I found myself on my knees praying for guidance to know how to handle situations with my children. And the peace and guidance came.
I know that gathering our family for family prayer, family scripture study and family home evening helped me feel closer to each of our family members. I believe that they were strengthened because of it as well.
I know that when my husband and I started going to the temple every week, that we became better parents, more patient and kind with our children.
I know that the church's system of home teaching and visiting teaching, now ministering, when performed as intended, was and is an inspired way to care for all of the members of the church, making sure that their needs are met and they feel cared for and loved.
I know that living the Word of Wisdom and teaching it to our children has helped our family avoid the addictions of alcohol, tobacco and drugs. It has also helped us to eat more healthfully.
I know that the belief in life after death gives me comfort when loved ones die. It gives me comfort to believe that death is part of the plan and that they are in a better place and that we will be with them again some day.
I know that I started getting answers to my prayers more often when I was willing to trust in the Lord and was willing to accept what He wanted for me rather than what I wanted for myself. I then felt His spirit more often in my life.
I know that the belief in a loving Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ helps me to have peace when bad things happen. I can feel the assurance that these things are for our experience and that all things work together for good to those who love the Lord.
I love being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!